Honoring God, Living High

The Day When

i had been anxious lately
i don’t know if it’s still because of the pandemic
or it’s just because i’m aging

i kept reminding myself
to take things as they come
to not look so far away
and only deal with the now

but i kept getting overwhelmed
i kept getting fearful
i kept counting ways of why i should worry

my mind becomes restless

i bring all these things to the Lord
and everyday He reminds me
of why i shouldn’t fear
to Whom i can lean on
or where will i find true peace

the process isn’t instant
i still struggle
i still battle my anxious thoughts

but hey,
we won’t stay here for long
our Father promised to deliver us
He has delivered us then
He will deliver us now, the next day
or in the uncertain future that we worry about

my word for the year is

to who God is
to what my God can do
to where my God will lead me
to His grace
to His unfailing covenant
to His perfect love

and i look forward to the day
when i can finally
be at rest again
even in the middle of a storm

for now
maybe we embrace the chaos
and letting God deal
with this wild heart and unprepared mind